Wrong Misconception About Managed Service Providers and Why You Should Care For MSP

Wrong Misconception About Managed Service Providers and Why You Should Care For MSP

Some organizations are hesitant to outsource the management of their hosting to a specialist provider, but it can provide many benefits if you do so. Unfortunately, some misconceptions deter organizations to choose a Managed Service Provider (MSP). In this blog, we refute some of these misconceptions.

Management by an MSP is More Expensive Than Doing it Yourself

People often think it is costlier to outsource the management of their hosting to a managed service provider than to do it yourself within the organization. Where often inadequate about being considered is that it often costs more money to take their own qualified people who can do this work. Furthermore, these people are hard to find, because they are very much in demand in the industry. To cope with illness and leave, you need more than one person needed. These people must be continually trained by the rapid changes in the market.

When choosing an MSP, you can rest assured that there is always someone who solves the work for you, when you want. You save on recruitment and personnel, and you can be confident that the work is performed by a multidisciplinary team of experts.

Managed Services Are Only For Only Large Organizations

It is often thought that managed hosting is only intended for large organizations because thousands of dollars per month would cost to manage the services. One of the main features of a managed hosting provider’s is to offer this scalability and, therefore, affordable solutions for both small and large organizations. MSP provides efficient, clear communication and can provide customer-friendly services at a competitive price.

It Is Only All or Nothing

Some organizations believe outsourcing of hosting is only possible when one outsources everything. It is not real because you can also choose to outsource some and keep some in-house. You choose which services you want to reduce the service level that suits your organization.


A Private Location and Staff Provide Better Service

Before remote access, monitoring needs, and redundant cloud platforms were common, companies have their own location and its own staff possibly for better service. Today, this is largely superseded by the use of remote access cards, virtual consoles in cloud platforms and the redundant hardware infrastructure.

Incidentally, this does not mean that your own IT staff is redundant. On the contrary, many managed service providers work correctly closely with the staff of their clients and possibly also with third parties, such as developers. Organizations that extend the knowledge of their employees with the expertise of an MSP, often see an increase in the performance of their online business. By working as a team together, the strategy of the organization is managed, and the MSP provides the service and support.

All MSPs Deliver the Same, Only Different Prices

Many different parties managed hosting market, where prices vary widely. The term “managed hosting” is frequently used, but the service is supplied varies between suppliers. For a few bucks per month, you will, of course, get a different service than if you have a few hundred dollars a month to spend there. So it is important that you clearly have what you want exactly when you choose managed hosting.

DedicatedSolutions Managed Services Give You the Choice

The above misconceptions are just some examples of arguments that come forward not to opt for a managed service provider. If you choose managed hosting does it not mean that your platform and applications to be hosted on the infrastructure of the MSP.

DedicatedSolutions understand that each organization has different needs and requirements. We offer Custom Solutions that has a different focus and a different level of support. From a simple web server up to complex enterprise solutions such as database clusters, terminal server and communication software – we got you covered! We also offer custom consulting and implementation Services as part of our “Managed Services” offering.

Our network delivers 100% Uptime Guarantee with the best service to our customers while keeping the costs for our customers as low as possible. Through the combination of Tier III & Tier IV data center facilities, the ability to offer our customers multiple 10 Gig pipes at each location and only providing the best hardware possible, we can truly offer a 1000% uptime – guaranteed.